We are an organisation working from Spain and Portugal, with the mission to promote the development and use of ICT and telehealth tools for remote care, scientific research, administration and health management.

After years of intense work to improve telemedicine as a tool, the time has come to take a decisive step related to technical development and the linking of different in Iberian Peninsula and internationally: creating and launching the new website. The objective is to improve and streamline communication between health and research centers.

We are an organisation working from Spain and Portugal. Our mission is to promote the development and use of ICT and telehealth tools for remote care, scientific research, administration, and health management.
SITT was constituted in a plenary session on 21 March 2015 at the Hospital Virgen de la Poveda (Madrid) by four founding members: Manuel Grandal (Madrid), Luís Gonçalves (Lisbon), Claudio Peláez (Extremadura), and Carles Fàbrega (Barcelona).
SITT, a pioneer in the field of ICT and telehealth, is gearing up to celebrate its momentous 10th anniversary with a grand event.
As we prepare for ten years, we invite you to join us https://sittiberica.org/en/sitt-members/

If you are a tele-patient, a health professional, a researcher, or just a telehealth enthusiast from Portugal, Spain, or any other country, come and join us!

Henrique Martins

President of  the SITT

Alejandro Pazos Sierra

SITT Vice-President

Telemedicine and eHealth training has become crucial for healthcare professionals and providers in the digital age.

This training can help healthcare professionals learn about best practices using healthcare technology, understand the tools available, and develop technical skills.
Elearning & Webinars

Associations that support our cause

SITT has institutional alliances with the Universidad del Estado de Amazonas (UEA), Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular da Universidade do Porto (IPATIMUP), Hospital Virgen de la Poveda y Asociación Iberoamericana de la Telesalud y Telemedicine (AITT) within the framework of exchange of scientific information and exchange of experiences.