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The objective of this communication is to offer a better understanding of the value of telemedicine in health care, particularly its role in creating opportunities for continuity of care to patients in a complex and novel setting as were the circumstances of the early COVID-19 pandemic times.
Crisis time is also a time for opportunities. With regard to telehealth, all players (providers, staff, and patients) should be informed about its benefits and should also become familiar with the use of the various telehealth options and this will only be achieved through large information campaigns necessary enriched by local teaching and training programs in both public and private institutions. The final aim is to launch the debate and foster ideas useful throughout the pandemic. This article covers the experiences of physicians as well as health professionals in the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal), to provide a clearer idea of what has happened and how we can improve it with the possibilities provided by telemedicine, while at the same time to put in evidence that public health systems need to be rethought to provide solutions to situations such as that we are experiencing.

Paula Amorim, Dulce Brito, Miguel Castelo-Branco, Carles Fàbrega, Fernando Gomes da Costa, Henrique Martins, Luis Gonçalves, Luis Martins Gonçalves, Verónica Martin, James Milner, Rui Nêveda, Afonso Nunes Ferreira, Rafael Pardo, André Peralta-Santos, Tomás Pessoa, João Silva, and Àngels Salvador Vergès. Telehealth Opportunities in the COVID-19 Pandemic Early Days: What Happened, Did Not Happen, Should Have Happened, and Must Happen in the Near Future? Telemedicine and e-Health.Oct 2021.1194-1199. 

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